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May 5, 2020
Keep Calm and Start learning: 8 Online Learning Platforms to explore for Nutrition Experts
Why this pandemic is the right time to start e-learning and 8 online platforms to explore, including courses for nutrition experts.

Apr 29, 2020
COVID-19 Reveals the Vital Connections between Health and Food Systems
Now more than ever, the spotlight is shining on the entrenched relationship between health and food. The COVID-19 pandemic has moved...

Apr 13, 2020
The Rockefeller Foundation: Five COVID-19 Reflections from a Food System Perspective
This guest article was originally published on the website of The Rockefeller Foundation on April 3rd, 2020, written by Roy Steiner,...

Mar 27, 2020
Your Coronavirus reading list: 10 Books on nutrition and healthy eating
COVID-19 is paralyzing the World. Cities all over the world are in major lockdown as coronavirus knows no borders. Let’s use our time...

Mar 19, 2020
Uncertainty instead of freedom and peace - 5 thoughts on Covid19 status quo
Anyone else feeling as if we are stuck in a movie these days? The plot: A highly contagious disease shaking up the world and its...

Feb 19, 2020
Want to stay young and healthy? Stop Eating
From personalized nutrition to microbiome and chronobiology - we discuss the latest scientific findings and trends in nutrition. During...
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